Human Growth Hormone
Human Growth Hormone (HGH, Growth Hormone) is perhaps one of the newest drugs used by athletes and bodybuilders looking to improve their fitness and performance. First of all, it is necessary to clarify that growth hormone is not an anabolic steroid. It is a protein hormone (or peptide) that is naturally produced in the human body and secreted by the pituitary gland.
The regulation of the production and secretion of growth hormone is carried out by the hypothalamus. The neurosecretory cells of the hypothalamus produce a biologically active substance known as growth hormone releasing hormone (also called Somatoliberin ) and another compound known as a factor that inhibits the release of growth hormone in the pituitary gland.
HGH belongs to the protein hormones of the somatotropin family , which makes it a very close relative of prolactin, which belongs to the same group of substances. The somatotropin family includes chorionic somatotropic hormones 1 and 2 (CSH1, CSH2, CSHL1), human growth hormone (HGH), prolactin, and human growth hormone 2 (hGH -V). The growth hormone molecule contains 191 amino acids.
HGH, as the name suggests, plays an important role in the human body, providing various growth mechanisms. However, the activity of hGH is not limited to this role – it is characterized by many different functions and effects related to many processes in the body, including the regulation of metabolism, the provision of cell regeneration and growth, as well as healing and recovery processes.

The primary effects of human growth hormone are related to body growth functions in three main areas: bone growth, skeletal muscle growth, and visceral growth. In addition, it is responsible for the healing / growth / repair process of connective tissue structures such as tendons, ligaments and joints. HGH is involved in maintaining all types of metabolism: protein, carbohydrate, lipid, and vitamin-mineral.
Growth hormone has been used successfully to treat various disorders and diseases. First of all, it is indicated for the treatment of pituitary dwarfism – a condition in which human growth is impaired due to a deficiency in endogenous production of hGH.
Therapy is given during childhood or adolescence, when synthetic growth hormone is administered to increase growth until adolescence, while there is potential for further growth. It is also used for similar conditions in adults. For medical reasons, HGH is used to treat growth hormone deficiency in adults, in which the body produces insufficient amounts of this bioactive substance.
A synthetic exogenous preparation of hGH is administered to restore the normal concentration of the hormone. During therapy, it is desirable to achieve levels of the hormone characteristic of a young age, in order to obtain the anti-aging effect that growth hormone is believed to have. Finally, HGH therapy is used in the treatment of AIDS / HIV-related muscle wasting (or other diseases). There are other conditions in which human growth hormone can be used to treat, for example, to speed healing in burn victims. More details here

Effects of Growth Hormone in Various Tissues
A huge number of various effects produced by growth hormone are known. The anabolic effect of the hormone on muscle tissue is well studied, manifested by an increase in size (hypertrophy) and the number of muscle cells (hyperplasia). The fact that human growth hormone is much more conducive to hyperplasia than hypertrophy is very beneficial for athletes and bodybuilders, as the newly created muscle cells remain for a long time. Therefore, the increase in size due to hyperplasia will persist indefinitely.
Growth hormone also promotes the regeneration, regrowth and restoration of virtually all cell types in the human body, with the exception of most cells in the eyes and brain tissue. In light of this, the drug may be useful in asthenic conditions and / or diseases leading to organ failure, but in which organ transplantation is impractical. The use of growth hormone can be effective, for example, in the treatment of renal or liver failure. At the very least, it can support the normal functioning of these organs by improving cell regeneration and growth opportunities. This also explains why HGH increases organs (due to increased cell growth), as well as why organs of people with multiple organ failure tend to be smaller (due to extensive organ cell death) than those of people with healthy , normally functioning organs.
The main metabolic effect of hGH is to shift the preferred energy source from carbohydrates to lipids (fats). As a result, the use of HGH will usually lead to an increase in blood glucose ( diabetogenic effect). The degree of this effect is determined by the doses of the hormone. With the use of excessive doses of growth hormone or with prolonged use of the drug, the development of type 2 diabetes is possible. However, due to the shift in preferred energy sources towards lipids, the effects of fat burning can be very significant. In addition, HGH will help lower blood cholesterol levels. Also, growth hormone causes depletion of potassium, phosphorus and sodium reserves in the body, which should be taken into account when using this hormone (mineral supplements are especially recommended when using high doses of hGH). In addition, growth hormone tends to decrease T3 (thyroid hormone) levels, which can cause temporary metabolic disturbances. Again, this effect is dose dependent .

In general, growth hormone acts on cellular receptors located in muscles, bone structures and adipose tissue, sending signals to various types of cells and tissues that stimulate the growth and burning of fat. In addition, the effect of the hormone on carbohydrate metabolism is manifested in an increase in gluconeogenesis in the liver and in a shift in the use of this energy source in favor of lipids. It should be noted that the effects of growth hormone are mainly regulated by the protein hormone IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor 1). Once in the liver, HGH signals the cells to start producing and secreting IGF-1, a very powerful growth hormone with a proven, pronounced anabolic effect on muscle tissue. It should be understood, however, that IGF-1 has some properties and effects that are directly opposite to hGH. For example, IGF-1 promotes the growth of body fat and increases glycolysis (consumption of glucose as an energy source).
Effectiveness of Human Growth Hormone
To date, there are still ongoing discussions about the real benefits of growth hormone to improve fitness and performance, and is it really worth using for those looking to improve their physical characteristics and athletic performance.
The use of growth hormone alone (without an anabolic steroid) leads, as a rule, only to a noticeable loss of fat, and to achieve a significant increase in muscle mass, it is necessary to use a combination of HGH with an anabolic steroid, or use growth hormone for a long time (at least 6 months ).
As a result, HGH is used today primarily because of its significant effect on reducing body fat, which appears almost immediately after the first use. The anabolic effect on muscle tissue, as noted earlier, manifests itself with prolonged use of the drug, lasting at least 6 months (due to a slow and constant increase in the content of hGH and IGF-1 in the body).
Thus, human growth hormone should be considered a markedly weaker agent in terms of performance and fitness improvement compared to anabolic steroids. Therefore, when using it, a special approach should be used to achieve an increase in muscle mass and strength. As such, this drug should only be used by experienced athletes and bodybuilders and is considered a useless anabolic for beginners.
This is because during the use of most modern anabolic steroids, it is possible to achieve such a level of training, followed by a kind of “plateau”, when, regardless of the applied efforts or compounds, further progress is impossible. As a rule, this is due to the fact that the athlete has realized his genetic potential. HGH can help a person overcome this ceiling and that is why it should be considered as an advanced tool in the arsenal of any experienced athlete.